Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Match Making of charts : Myths and realities


With the advent of globalization and liberalisation, our lives and cultures have been put under enormous strain. Our cultural fabric is being torn apart , slowly but steadily. The first telling sign of this our MARRIAGE SYSTEM. Marriages are now facing tremendous pressure to succeed.

One of the integral parts of this system, is the often accepted ,but heavily believed MATCH MAKING OF CHARTS OF THE BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.

Can the match making process help make better marriages or does it in fact destroy happy and healthy to be marriages??

Objectives of Match Making of charts:

The match making process has been primarily designed for the following reasons:

-To help find the right couple who are mentally and physically compatible

-To ensure that the family would be happy and prosperous

-To see that the couple would be able to produce offspring and give birth to their own family.

The procedure of Match Making:

The process to be followed in math making is as follows:

1.Evaluation of the individual charts

2.Computation of the Gunas or points obtained by the couple

3.Mangal Dosh.

The flaws and objections to the match making procedure:

The current system as enumerated above suffers from the following objectionable flaws :

A.Too much emphasis given to Mangal dosh :

The current procedure followed is too biased towards ‘Mangal Dosh'.

A person is said to have Mangal Dosh, if Mars is posited in the 12th, 1st ,4th , 7th or 8th house in the horoscope.

A person who has the above placements of Mars is also called a ‘Manglik'.

People are generally scared to death with regards to their son or daughter being a Manglik and gloomy predictions are made with respect to their marriages.

B.Lack of individual evaluation of the individual charts :

The individual charts offer more information and insight with respect to the proposed marriage.

Let us look at the 2 scenarios that emerge from the point of view of the BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.

From the point of view of the Bride the following are important and can be assessed from the horoscope:

-Does the boy have any vices like drinking , womanising etc?

( would depend on the position of Venus and the 5th, 8th and 12th houses in the boys'chart)

-Are the boy's financial prospects bright ?

( evaluation of the 2nd , 9th ,10th and 11th houses)

-Does the boy have an intolerant nature or a very foul temper? ( which can result in violence)

( domination of Fiery signs and placement of Mars in the 8th and 12th house )

-Has the boy had any broken affairs or engagements?

( Proper examination of the 7th house and 7th house lord and Jupiter)

-Does the boy have any serious medical problems like impotency?

( dominance of Barren signs , a weak Venus and the 6th house )

From the point of view of the Bridegroom the folllowing are important and can be assessed from the horoscope:

-Is the girl having a good character?

( examination of the 4th house and Venus and Jupiter )

-Has she had any previous affairs that she has not revealed?

( the 5th ,8th and 12th house)

-Has she had a broken marriage or engagement that have not been revealed?

( the 2nd, 7th house with Jupiter and Venus )

-Does she have any serious medical problems?

( overall examination of ascendant , 6th , 8th and 12th house )

The following questions need to be answered:

A.Would you get your son married to a girl with whom :

the Mangals match perfectly and

the point are 31out of 36


B. Would you get your daughter married to a boy who:

has a perfect mangal match

the points are 35out of 36

is extremely rich


he is an alcoholic

has a very foul temper

and has numerous sexual relations with other girls?


1.Insight into a person’s personality:

The horoscope helps reveal the entire personality of an individual in a very unbiased manner. For example the horoscope will reveal :

2.The person’s intellectual level

3.The person’s sex drives

4.The person’s attitude towards life

Hence the examination of horoscope would reveal wealth of information about the prospective bride or bride groom.

5.Horoscopes help find the right personality matches :

6.Potential offspring problems:

One of the other benefits of match making is that it informs the couple about their capability and problems in childbirth.

This is done through a proper assessment of the 5th house and position of Jupiter in both the charts.


How do pujas help your home?


Have you ever asked yourself , why is it necessary to perform pujas or havans in the house? Why the compulsory aartis in certain households? Why the dhoop in the evening?

Well , the answers to these questions lie in the art and craft of space clearing.


Simply stated , space clearing is the ancient art of clearing the energy of a space of all it's negative and dull vibrations.

In order to understand space clearing, we must examine some of it's basic underpinnings:

Energy or chi:

It is a basic belief of most ancient cultures that every space ( which may be a house or open playground ) has an energy of it's own.

This energy is called Prana in Hindu scriptures and Chi by the Chinese.

The chi of a space tends to either positively or negatively affect it's inhabitants, which are mostly humans.

Hence space clearing tries to positively charge spaces to enhance their productivity.

The building blocks of energy:

Many of the scriptures state that ,what surrounds us consists of :



Air or ether

Hence every space would also consist of the above mentioned elements.

Space clearing utilises each of the above elements with some other elements to bring about a positive Chi in the space.

Techniques of space clearing:

Our ancient Vedic Seers were masters at the art and craft of Space clearing. They performed havans or big pujas which generally consisted of :

the Sacred Fire ( Fire element )

Water was sprinkled ( Water element )

Incense was burnt ( Ether)

The recitation of Mantras and intonations.

Sound is another important element which influences the Chi or energy of any space. The use of bells and Mantras is to enhance the sound element.

Some tips for simple space clearing:

Though we cannot perform elaborate pujas and havans in the house everyday , some tips can be used:

Use of incense daily in the house keeps the house light and nice

It is desirable to light a diva in the morning in the house to appease Agni Dev.

The use of dhoop is recommended once in 15 days at least.

A simple puja can be performed every morning to charge the atmosphere of the house.

Symptoms of weak energy in the house:

Perpetual sickness in the house

Loss of appetite of the family members

Continuous stress and tension in the house

The desire to stay away from the house or space.

Example :

On a Vaastu visit to one of my clients home , it was found that the Vaastu was perfect but the Chi of the place was extremely weak.

I advised certain space clearing procedures to be performed continously for 3 months.

The client reported drastic improvements.


Space clearing is a powerful practical tool that can be used by us to improve our living spaces.

Selection of houses using Feng Shui


The house is an important part of a person’s life as it provides you with shelter and protection.

However according to Feng Shui( the art of placement), the house is much more than this. The house is a living person who can bestow upon you wealth and prosperity or problems and illnesses as the case maybe. Hence the selection of a new house is a very important decision which one makes.

Feng Shui comes to the rescue of people in such cases by providing certain guidelines which can be adhered to while selecting a house. Feng Shui is simply the art of harmonising oneself with the environment.

This article will deal with the following scenarios that may emerge:

1.Buying a new house in a complex that is yet to be completed (that is under construction houses).

2.Buying a new house that is ready for possession.

3.Buying a house that is / was occupied by someone else and is being offered for sale.


Houses that are yet under construction or are yet to be completed pose a special problem as the house is not yet in front of the eyes.

In such cases the external feng shui plays a much more important role. The following factors would merit consideration:

How many buildings are there in the complex? Is there enough space between two buidings?

How is the pathway or route from the gate to the entrance of your building?

What is the view from the window of your house? Is it blocked or obstructed?

From a feng shui perspective, a clear open view is desirable.

Is your building close to the highway or electricity poles?

A combination of the above mentioned factors would help in choosing a favourable place for the client. In most cases however, it is recommended to see at least 7 to 8 flats and give them a rating of 1 to 10. The house with the highest rating wins.


Houses that are ready for possession pose a slightly lesser problem than under construction houses. But in selection of a ready flat the above mentioned factors also must be kept in mind.

The additional factors that merit consideration:

What is the shape and structure of the house? Is it regularly shaped or is it irregular in shape?

Irregularly shaped houses pose special problems from a feng shui perspective.

In which direction is the main door of the house located?

Where is the toilet of the house located?

Does the house present any structural leverages?

Ready flats are far more easier to chose than under construction flats. As is apparent form the above discussion, in case of the under construction houses , the stress is on the external feng shui and in case of the ready flats the emphasis is on the internal feng shui.


In case you are buying a house that is or was occupied by someone else, the following are important:

Predecessor Chi:

This means that one must find out why the person selling the house is selling. Is it because of financial problems or bankruptcy or better prospects?

This is the most important facet of selecting a pre-occupies house as the predecessor Chi influences the new occupant of the house.

Apart from the predecessor Chi, all the points as mentioned in the selection of the ready made house are to be taken into consideration before selecting the house.


Feng Shui is one of the most potent tools that can be used for selection of houses as the house is an all integral part of one’s life.