Tuesday 27 April 2021

Was I fated to get divorced ? Fate v/s Free Will ( Part 2)


First and foremost , i would like to thank all the readers who really liked my article ‘Was I fated to get divorced?’  and wrote about which marriage could be saved.

I also got a lot of questions regarding Karma and Fate and how to understand them.

Which divorce could be prevented?

It is my submission that in Case no 2 , concerning individual G wanting to marry individual H , the divorce could  have be prevented.  


I would like to share with you my reasoning for coming to this conclusion.

But in order to understand my reasoning , you would have to understand some  key concepts in jyotish , the types of karma and the law of Karma.

My conclusion is based on a combination   of jyotish read with some core philosophical concepts of the Law of Karma.

Interlinkages between Jyotish and Previous Births:


In jyotish , the houses that represent this are:

  1. 1st house or the ascendant represents your current birth
  2. 5th house represents your previous birth. Its also called ‘ Purva Punya ‘ or previously accrued merit.
  3. 9th house represents your next birth. 

Houses 1,5 and 9 taken together in a horoscope are also called the spiritual triangle.

Rahu and Ketu signify your next and previous births respectively.  

Simply stated , if you have performed good deeds  in your past birth , in this brith you will get to enjoy the fruits of the same in the form of good career, good house , good parents etc.

If you have performed bad deeds in the past birth , in this birth you may have to pay for them in the form of bad health, bad career , bad marriage etc.

Sounds very simple right ???  Not quite!

What is Karma?


Simply stated all actions performed by us become Karma. 

Karmas by nature are binding and will not exhaust till they have given their due pay off.

Many believe that even every thought we have  is Karma. Hence our elders tell us that ‘ Don't think bad about others ‘ or ‘Don’t be jealous’ because these thoughts become Karmas and hence binding.

The Law of Karma:

Having understood Karma , we need to try and learn how does it operate?

The simplest analogy to explain the Law of Karma is Newton’s 3rd Law of motion : Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So its about action and reaction.

However its more complicated than that as its very layered and quite nuanced.

The concept of Runanubandh ( Karmic debt ):

One of the most esoteric and abstruse  concepts in the Karmic landscape is the concept of Runanubandh.

Runa means debt or loan.

Bandh means clinging or  binding or that which will has to be exhausted or paid off.

Every action or Karma creates a unique karmic debt that has to be paid off or squared in time. 

These runanubandhas can be good also like affections or food or money or relationships.

A very simple example will explain:

A mother has an excellent son who takes care of her till she dies . He loves her , respects her and does his duty till her death bed.

Whilst dying the mother keeps saying ‘ I am so lucky to have a son like you. You are the best . I wish i could do the same for you.’

She has unknowingly created a runanubandh between herself and her boy.

The result is that in the next birth , the boy will take birth as the mother and the mother will be born as his son . The previous mother now born as son will take care of her mother ( the son) and the cycle shall continue.

Types of Karma:

In order to further understand this complex subject we need to understand few more concepts.

  1. Sanchit:

Sanchit is the total accumulated karmic heap that a person has performed or accrued during all his life times.

It is extremely difficult to know what is a person’s Sanchit . It can be seen or known by the Siddhas or Fakirs.  Largely fixed and cannot be altered.

  2.  Prarabdh:

Prarabdh is that portion of the Sanchit that comes up for paying off or exhaustion in the current birth. Prarabdh is an extremely important component to understand the horoscope .

Your prarabdh is an over arching factor that will determine the quality of your life.

  3.  Kriyman:

Kriyman is that portion of the prarabdh , that we have to pay off in our daily lives .

Kriyaman is the most dynamic of all the karmic propensities and can be altered or changed according to ones needs or desires.

Karmic intensities:

  1. Dridha karma:

These are the types of karma that are fixed by nature . They cannot be altered or in other words they are FATED.


  1. when you will take birth
  2. when you will die 
  3. in which family  you will take birth
  4. your genetic dispositions
  5. who will be your mother or father

2.  Adridha karma:

There are the types of karma that are completely unfixed .These are the karmas that are completely dependant on the actions performed by the person.


  1. which clothes will i wear
  2. what should i eat
  3. how should i talk
  4. at the traffic light , should i wait for the signal to become green or break the signal?

The outcomes of these karmas is completely dependent on the action performed.

3.  Dridhaadridha karmas:

These are the most complicated karmas that are difficult to understand and navigate.

In these karmas some portion of the karma is fixed or fated and some portion is dependant on the actions performed by the person.

It is in this area that jyotish can be most helpful in cases of marriage or career or children or making money.

Marriage, jyotish and karmic intensities:

The 7th house in your chart represents marriage . With that one has to assess Guru , Venus and other planets like Rahu , Ketu and Mars.

In case of dridha karma, the divorce is FATED AND WILL BE SHOWN BY A BAD 7TH HOUSE and presence of rahu ketu and other malefics connected with the 7th house.


In case of dridhaadridha karma, divorce will depend on the choice of the partner and hence the need for match making.

These charts will show a weak 7th house surrounded by malefics but a very good Jupiter.

Jupiter stands for Good counsel which is singularly capable of saving a marriage!!

Why case no 2 divorce could have  been  prevented?

Having explained the core concepts , let me re-examine WHY DIVORCE COULD  HAVE BEEN PREVENTED IN CASE OF INDIVIDUAL G?

  1. Horoscope reading :

In this case, the chart ( which rules marriage ) showed a weak 7th house with Rahu Mars in the 7th but Jupiter in the 1st house  looking at the 7th house.

Jupiter was trying to provide individual G with good and timely advice which he chose to ignore. 

  2.  Lack of Marriage counselling:

After the initial troubles in the marriage , G was told to consult a marriage counsellor in order to make the marriage work.

G’s partner H was willing to visit a counsellor but G refused.

Many people may argue that if something fated then how will marriage counselling work?

I am a firm believer that whatever be the situation , there is no harm in visiting a counsellor.

Sometimes the only job of the astrologer is to send the couple for marriage counselling.

 3.  Getting married at the wrong time:

G chose to get married at an extremely inauspicious transit  like passing ketu transit over his  7th house.

In short , due to above reasons 1,2 and 3 , the marriage could have been saved  but could not because G primarily chose to ignore all good counsel !


I would like to conclude that a seemingly simple looking event can be quite complex when one tries to delve deep into it.  This is the beauty of the Law of Karma. 

It is not for nothing that Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita states - ‘Gahano Karmani Gati’ which means that the motion or working of Karma is difficult to understand!

Wednesday 21 April 2021

2021- A New Corona World


In my previous article “ June 2020 to December 2020-  A Wolf in a sheep’s  clothing “ , I had concluded by saying that the wolf is at our door. 

It turns out that   dangerous wolf - in the form of the corona virus - has very rapidly begun the process of entering our homes, our lives and our Nations  to finally devour us.

2021 began on some very positive news.  But  from the month of April , 2021 has turned into the worst nightmare for India and some countries.

Is 2021 going to be better or worse than 2020?

Let's take a look.

The astrological climate:

In the year 2021 the following significant planetary changes will take place:

1. Jupiter moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on 6th April 2021.

2. Jupiter retrogrades and re-enters Capricorn on 14th September 2021.

3. Jupiter re-enters Aquarius after retrogression on 21st November  2021.

4.  Saturn remains in Capricorn throughout 2021.

5. There will be a formation of the kal sarpa from 15th  December 2021. A kal sarpa yoga is formed when all the major planets are on one side of the rahu ketu axis.

6. Rahu will remain in Taurus and Ketu will remain in Scorpio throughout 2021.

When will the coronavirus END?

This is the million dollar question that i have been asked umpteen times. 

My humble submission in this matter is I DON’T KNOW!

Following are the reasons which force me to accept that the corona virus cannot be predicted:

  1. It has not behaved according to any of the dictums of mundane astrology. IN FACT, it has always acted exactly opposite to what people predict.

    2.   It has affected different countries in different phases. Example - When USA was facing the    2nd wave , India was reporting very low infections.

Now that india is facing a very difficult 2nd wave , USA is reporting falling infections.

Israel has declared itself almost corona free.

    3.   Even within the same country , different states are reporting different fatalities and hospitalisations.

    4.  Vaccines , which are to be the most effective remedy against the virus , are having their own issues with blood clots, side effects and efficacy.


IN simple words , the corona virus is Nature's very bitter medicine to restore the balance on Earth.

We have been abusing Nature by :

  1. Unabated deforestation
  2. Increased global  warming
  3. Increased poaching of animals, birds , whales and other endangered species.
  4. Rapid decline of bee population and bee colonies.
  5. NO respect for animal habitat or forest systems.

Nature is sending us a Warning in the form of the Virus.

Astrology cannot and should not predict EVERYTHING.

The New Corona World:

I am firmly of the opinion that we are now living in a NEW World and New consciousness post 2020.

We might have to forget some of our habits or desires that we had prior to March 2020.

Features of the New corona world:

I feel that the New World that we are now inheriting by synchronisation ,  shall have the following defining features:

  1. Death as the new Reality:

In the Pre Covid era, death was a hush hush subject reserved for philosophical discussions or movies or books.


We are seeing death everywhere - our relatives , our friends , neighbours and citizens. We

 can expect to continue to see the naked truth and pain of death in our daily lives.

   2. Frequent lockdowns and interruptions:

We should be prepared to face unexpected shutdowns and lockdowns in the foreseeable future.

There cannot be  any surety that there will be no interruptions or lockdown  in our daily lives and routines.

   3. Rise of the internet and Digital currency:

I do feel that the internet connection will become more important than food , shelter or clothing.

We may survive without food but we will die without the net connection!

  4. Rise of the shamans:

Shamans are basically south American medicine men who can travel and speak to the spirit world and spirit deities.

With the unprecedented rise in the number of people dying all over the world , the Shaman will be needed to help us navigate better.

Predictions for 2021:

  1. Increased deaths in the months of April 2021 and May 2021 due to the upcoming Mars Mercury exchange and Mars Saturn opposition.

    2.   Very high unpredictability regarding weather patterns.

    3.   Every subsequent corona wave will be worser that the preceding one. For eg , the 3rd      wave will be worser than the 2nd

    4.   Most of  the predictions for the coronavirus in 2021 will turn out to be wrong.


It would be fair to conclude by saying that we are entering a New consciousness and New epoch in the year 2021. We must trust Mother Nature and Keep Safe!!