Wednesday 21 April 2021

2021- A New Corona World


In my previous article “ June 2020 to December 2020-  A Wolf in a sheep’s  clothing “ , I had concluded by saying that the wolf is at our door. 

It turns out that   dangerous wolf - in the form of the corona virus - has very rapidly begun the process of entering our homes, our lives and our Nations  to finally devour us.

2021 began on some very positive news.  But  from the month of April , 2021 has turned into the worst nightmare for India and some countries.

Is 2021 going to be better or worse than 2020?

Let's take a look.

The astrological climate:

In the year 2021 the following significant planetary changes will take place:

1. Jupiter moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on 6th April 2021.

2. Jupiter retrogrades and re-enters Capricorn on 14th September 2021.

3. Jupiter re-enters Aquarius after retrogression on 21st November  2021.

4.  Saturn remains in Capricorn throughout 2021.

5. There will be a formation of the kal sarpa from 15th  December 2021. A kal sarpa yoga is formed when all the major planets are on one side of the rahu ketu axis.

6. Rahu will remain in Taurus and Ketu will remain in Scorpio throughout 2021.

When will the coronavirus END?

This is the million dollar question that i have been asked umpteen times. 

My humble submission in this matter is I DON’T KNOW!

Following are the reasons which force me to accept that the corona virus cannot be predicted:

  1. It has not behaved according to any of the dictums of mundane astrology. IN FACT, it has always acted exactly opposite to what people predict.

    2.   It has affected different countries in different phases. Example - When USA was facing the    2nd wave , India was reporting very low infections.

Now that india is facing a very difficult 2nd wave , USA is reporting falling infections.

Israel has declared itself almost corona free.

    3.   Even within the same country , different states are reporting different fatalities and hospitalisations.

    4.  Vaccines , which are to be the most effective remedy against the virus , are having their own issues with blood clots, side effects and efficacy.


IN simple words , the corona virus is Nature's very bitter medicine to restore the balance on Earth.

We have been abusing Nature by :

  1. Unabated deforestation
  2. Increased global  warming
  3. Increased poaching of animals, birds , whales and other endangered species.
  4. Rapid decline of bee population and bee colonies.
  5. NO respect for animal habitat or forest systems.

Nature is sending us a Warning in the form of the Virus.

Astrology cannot and should not predict EVERYTHING.

The New Corona World:

I am firmly of the opinion that we are now living in a NEW World and New consciousness post 2020.

We might have to forget some of our habits or desires that we had prior to March 2020.

Features of the New corona world:

I feel that the New World that we are now inheriting by synchronisation ,  shall have the following defining features:

  1. Death as the new Reality:

In the Pre Covid era, death was a hush hush subject reserved for philosophical discussions or movies or books.


We are seeing death everywhere - our relatives , our friends , neighbours and citizens. We

 can expect to continue to see the naked truth and pain of death in our daily lives.

   2. Frequent lockdowns and interruptions:

We should be prepared to face unexpected shutdowns and lockdowns in the foreseeable future.

There cannot be  any surety that there will be no interruptions or lockdown  in our daily lives and routines.

   3. Rise of the internet and Digital currency:

I do feel that the internet connection will become more important than food , shelter or clothing.

We may survive without food but we will die without the net connection!

  4. Rise of the shamans:

Shamans are basically south American medicine men who can travel and speak to the spirit world and spirit deities.

With the unprecedented rise in the number of people dying all over the world , the Shaman will be needed to help us navigate better.

Predictions for 2021:

  1. Increased deaths in the months of April 2021 and May 2021 due to the upcoming Mars Mercury exchange and Mars Saturn opposition.

    2.   Very high unpredictability regarding weather patterns.

    3.   Every subsequent corona wave will be worser that the preceding one. For eg , the 3rd      wave will be worser than the 2nd

    4.   Most of  the predictions for the coronavirus in 2021 will turn out to be wrong.


It would be fair to conclude by saying that we are entering a New consciousness and New epoch in the year 2021. We must trust Mother Nature and Keep Safe!!

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