Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Astrology and the Kuladevata

Whenever we hear the word ‘ kuladevata’ or ‘ kuladevi’, we are filled with curiosity , intrigue and fear. Who is this kula devta? Is he/she a spirit ,ghost or some old person?
Where can we find our kuladevata ?  Does he/ she get very angry?
This article attempts to address all these questions in a simple and non-complicated manner and also shows how kuladevata / kuladevis are connected with the stars.

The concept of the kuladevata or kuladevi  is a very old and ancient one.The word kuladevata is derived from 2 words kula and devata. Kula means clan and devata means deity.
Simply stated kuladevta is the deity worshipped by a particular clan.

The word ‘ kuladevata’ or ‘ kuladevi ‘ is  commonly referred to as  ‘Tutelary deity’ in other parts of the world.
The term Tutelary deity means a spirit or deity who is appointed as the guardian or protector of  a particular place , person , nation , culture or occupation.

 In India we also have the concept of the gram devata meaning deity of the village. Spiritual practitioners or sadhaks have the concept of ishta devata or your own person deity.

For eg in the South , Tirupati of Balaji is a common kuladevata.

But how is the kuladevata or kuladevi  connected with astrology?

Spheres of influence:
When we are born , we take birth in a family . That family is part of a larger family or kula and has its roots in some place . So we are automatically born into a kula whether we like it or not. Hence depending upon the kula , the role of the kuladevata  or kuladevi comes into play.
Hence even though the planets are critical in deciding the fate of the individual , the role of the kuladevata cannot be denied.
The kuladevata or kuladevi is extremely powerful by virtue of divine appointment .

Levels of power :
It is my basic hypothesis that an individual born in this world is governed by  many forces  apart from the stars at the time of his/ her birth.
These forces are:
1.   1.   Curse and blessings :
It is my belief that the power of curses and blessings overrides and in many cases suspends the effects of the planets.
We have read many instances of the power of curses destroying kingdoms and the potency of blessings turning a common man into a King.

2.      2. Kula devata or kula devi:
The job of the kuladevata is to protect and guard the members of his kula. Hence the kula devta is extremely proactive in providing support and positivity for kula members.

Hence the proper propitiation of the kula devata can be used for protection and safeguard.

3.       3.The Siddha  Guru:
It is my firm belief and understanding that no one is more powerful than a Realised Guru.
If you are lucky enough , to be the disciple of such a Siddha , the planets cannot touch you.

That is why:

"Guru brahma Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwaray.
Guru Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmay Shri Gurve Namah!"

The Siddha Guru is all powerful and will help you in  overcoming the adversities of  life.



Connecting  the Kuladevta with astrology:

The kuladevata can play an extremely important role in alleviating our astrological problems. The blessings of the kuladevata give us prosperity and peace.


1. Shani Sade sati:
    If you are undergoing a tough phase of the Sade sati ( saturn period) you are generally required to donate  black clothes , food to beggars as an astrological remedy.But try making a small discrete donation to your kuladevata temple for repairs and see the wonders it can work!

2    2. Appeasing Guru ( Jupiter ):

     Couples who have trouble in having children are recommended all sorts of remedies. These mostly relate to Guru , planet of progeny.
However i n my experience a visit to the kuladevata temple and a sincere prayer always does the trick!

Live examples:
I wish to share some live examples of my clients who have experienced the power of their kuladevta in their lives. ( names of the clients have been changed for their privacy. But names of kuladevatas have not been changed).

1. Hayyad Bapa:

       Mrs X approached me with a myriad of problems ranging from fights in the house to daughter not finding a proper job for the past 2 years.
After exhausting all available remedies,  i suggested a visit to their Kula devata ‘ Hayyad Kaka’ or ‘ Hayyad Bapa’ .
Hayyad kaka resides in small temple somewhere in Gujarat. He is an extremely powerful and jagrit ( means alive) devata and is concerned for the welfare of his children.
A small visit to his temple and her daughter finds a rewarding job, fights in home disappear and there are some unexpected gains!
Was it a fluke coincidence or the power of Hayyad Bapa?? I would confidently say the latter.

2. Khandoba:

 Mr Thakur met me 2 years back with the nagging problem of his sisters marriage. Inspite of being well qualified and good looking there were no marriage proposals.

I inquired about his kuladevata. He said he did not know who was their kuladevata.
On enquiry he was told that his kuladevta was ‘Khandoba ‘ and his temple is located in jejuri near pune in maharashtra.
Mr thakur was not keen to visit jejuri but on my insistence he  made the trip and returned a changed man!
His sister got married the next month. Now he visits jejuri at least once a month to meet his Master!

Monday, 21 September 2015

5 things you must know before you visit an astrologer


Generally speaking the process of visiting an astrologer is filled with fear,confusion,intrigue and secrecy. It should not be so.

Visiting an astrologer should be like visiting any professional. You should do your research well, have your questions ready and be sharp.

You must have at least some knowledge of the following:

1. Your birth chart or janma kundli:

This is the basic starting point for any astrological consult. Without the birth chart , an astrologer cannot begin.

Simply speaking the birth chart is the map of heavens at the time of your birth.

Your date of birth , time of birth and place of birth are required to construct the kundli.

Keep in mind-

A. Indian jyotish uses a square shaped chart whereas western astrologers use round circles as charts.
B. It is preferable to have a computerised chart as compared to hand written one.
C. Always carry your chart with you for the consult.

2. Type of astrologer:

Astrology has different schools of thought and application. For eg injyotish we have the traditional north indian schools, the south indian schools and the K P practitioners.

Depending on the type of astrologer you are visting one can orient oneself.

Even the types of charts required depends on the astrologer.

3. Different combinations in your chart:

Indian astrology or jyotish has certain common combinations which we may have heard of like 'Mangal dosh' , ' Kaal Sarpa Dosh' or 'Pitru dosh'.

These are classical astrological combinations which you may or may not have in your chart.

If you do possess anyone of them , please try to read about them . They are very well researched and talked about. Do not be ignorant

It helps if you are better prepared when you meet an astrologer!

4. Time periods or dashaas :

The basic predicive tool for jyotish is the dasha system based on the position of the moon at the time of birth.

Dasha actually means condition. However in jyotish each planet is given fixed time periods called dashas

Eg. Venus dasha lasts for 20 years , ketu for 7 years etc

However do remember-
A. There are different dasha systems like vimshottari, ashtottari, yogini, char dasha. Hence astrologer decides the dasha system to follow and makes predictions accordingly.
B. Western astrology does not use dashas. It uses primary and secondary progressions which are complex mathematical techniques.

All the predictions given to you are based on the dashas or progressions.

5. Beware of frauds or quacks:

Like in any field , astrology has more than its share of fakes and self- anointed quacks. Hence you must seperate the chaff from the wheat.


A. The person must exhibit certain amount of familiarity with astrological grammar like dashas, transits, planets or houses.

B. A proper astrologer must be able to explain things in the astrological parlance like Shani in 5 house aspecting 7th house.

C. Hence it most desirable to consult someone on someones recommendation or word of mouth.

It is quite possible that you are visiting a psychic who uses astrology but then you must know who you are visiting!!!!!


If you keep the above mentioned 5 things in mind, your visit to an astrologer will be fruitful , informative and useful.