Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Power of Muhuraths ( Auspicious times )


 Introduction: Many of us are familiar with the old proverb ‘ Well begun is half done '. The true significance of this statement can be appreciated when one looks at electional astrology or what is commonly called auspicious times or MUHURATHS. What many people are not aware of is that electional astrology is one of the six limbs of Jyotish or vedic astrology.

 Meaning of Muhuraths: 

Muhuraths are nothing but special planetary configurations ,which have been designed ,to ward off the impediments or blockages ,that may occur in the progress and success of any venture, may it be marriage or beginning a new business.

 We would be surprised to know that there are muhuraths for everything from uttering the first words in a new born baby's ears to the making of a will.

Rationale behind Muhuraths:

 What is the logic or reason behind these auspicious times AND why should one follow them? The logic is two fold :-
1. The muhuraths are an important object of free will. One is free to choose a good time to commence an activity and hence reap better benefits. The simplest example is of a seed ( the proposed activity )and the seasons.( time of commencement). The best seed sown in the wrong season ( like scant rainfall) will give average results. However an average seed sown in the right weather will produce better than expected results. Muhuraths give us the best seed and the best weather which will logically produce magical results.

2. The second logic is that of VIBRATIONS. Each muhurath possesses a special vibration which must be taken advantage of. Certain times possess bad vibrations and hence should be avoided.

 Importance of Nakshatras:

The central pillar in the study of auspicious times is the daily movement of the Moon.We also need to understand Nakshatras , if we want to understand electional astrology. Nakshatras are the bright stars and asterisms , some of which are , visible to us in the night sky. Though there are many asterisms to be found in astronomy, we are concerned only with the 27 constellations of Jyotish. Each of these constellations has a specific vibration and strength depending on which the Muhurath is decided.

 General guidelines for deciding muhuraths:

- The constellations Krittika, Bharani, Purvashada, Magha, Moola , Ashlesha are considered INAUSPICIOUS for any constructive activity. These constellations have certain negative vibrations and hence are avoided.

- The tithi is the lunar day . The new moon day, the 4th, 8th, and 14th lunar days are not recommended for any muhurath. Some communities also avoid all commercial activities for the 15 days prior to the first day of Navratri . This period is also called " SHRADDHA".

-Buying and wearing new clothes: The nakshatras Ashwini, rohini, Pushya, Hasta , Chitra are the best. Monday, Thursday and Friday are considered good.

-Buying gold and jewellery: The most auspicious nakshatra for this purpose is PUSHYA. It is the most powerful nakshatra and can be used for all activities, EXCEPTING MARRIAGE.

-Entering a new house: The nakshatras Ashwini, Pushya, Rohini, Swati and Chitra are recommended. Monday, Thursday and Friday are recommended.

- Time for marriage: The best nakshtras are Rohini, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Hasta and Revati. The lunar months of Magha, Phalguna, and Vaishaka are good. The best lunar days are 2nd,3rd, 5th,7th,10th,11th of the bright half.

 Conclusion: We must make use of the potent weapon of muhuraths and make our lives happier and more prosperous. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Importance of shraddha (pitru paksha)

In India, the period of 15 days commencing from 9th September  to 24th september, this year ,  is commonly called pitru paksha. In this period it is desirable to perform 'shraddha'.

 The word ‘pitru' loosely means dead ancestors and relatives. Paksh is one moon cycle of 15days. Hence pitru paksh means the fortnight that belongs to our relatives and ancestors who are physically not present with us. It is the period in which we should remember and thank our departed ancestors and relatives.

 Let us further understand shraddha in form of questions and answers:

Q1  What is the logic behind shraddha?

 Ans . There are many reasons for performing shradha but the primary reason is based on Hindu philosophy. According to Hindu philosophy , the soul never dies . It is immortal and only changes forms. It will either take rebirth or obtain Niravan. The performance of shraddha rites helps the soul to move forward in its spiritual quest. It is spiritual nourishment for the hungry souls of our ancestors.

 Q2   How to perform shraddha ?

Ans. There are many shradhha rites which the Brahmins can perform. But the most important ingredient is your complete faith and belief in this process. It is desirable to make donations of food and clothes in the name of your ancestors.

 Q3   Which other pujas can be performed in this period?

 Ans: The important pujas in this period are Narayanbali for people who have died suddenly or in accidents or whose families are cursed. Nagbali can be performed if one has recurring snake dreams or one has accidently killed a snake.

Q4   What if you do not know when your ancestor has died ?

Ans : If you do not have the exact date of yours death , then you can perform shradha on 24th september 2014 , which is also called SarvPitri Amavsya. This will surely help you receive blessings from your departed ones.

Q5. Does performing shraddha really work?

Ans : An often asked question is that does this really work? Do dead people come and accept our food? How do we know it has worked?

Many people have asked me that what if the brahmin has just fooled us ?

Well my answer to all these questions is two fold-

A. Faith

You must have some faith in yourselves and the scriptures that this does work. Our ancestors really do wait for our shraddha and do appreciate it . Our loved ones do look out for us and bless us all the time.

In this period we share our gratitude with them and thank them for their blessings. The mechanics maybe different but the objective is the same - TO CONNECT WITH OUR DEPARTED AND THANK THEM.

Different countries and cultures follow the same ritual in different ways.

B. Experience

Many people and clients who regularly perform shraddha have reported very intense experiences like-

1. Seeing the departed soul in front of your eyes.
2. Feeling the touch of the loved one.
3. Actually feeding the departed soul with one's own hand
4. Crying spontaneously on performing shraddha

It is fare to say that we must pay our respect and gratitude to our elders in this pious period.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

How planets affect your health

 There is a specialised branch of astrology that deals with the planets and the influence they have on your health.
It is called medical astrology.

 Simply stated medical astrology is the use of basic astrological principles and percepts to help detect and alleviate physical and mental ailments or disorders.
 It helps detect :
- The diseases one is prone to. Egs heart attack , asthma, kidney stone etc.
- The operations that one might have to undergo.
- The chronic ailments that one might have to suffer for a long time. Eg arthritis. 


Though it would be difficult to directly pinpoint the true origins of medical astrology, an indirect and more powerful reference source is available to us.
 Many of us would be surprised to know that Ayurveda ( the science of Longetivity ) has had strong linkages with medical astrology. Research has shown that Ayurveda is in practice from at least 5th Century AD. There are numerous writers who in their ayurveduc treatises have described the utility and importance of astrology and lucky charms , talismans etc.

 To name  a few:

- Caraka in his Caraksamhita has alluded to the importance of medical amulets, fasts, offerings, penances and jewel talismans.
- Susruta in his Compendium has referred to the necessity of ‘ a lucky astrological conjunction' for the proper use of Soma. 
-Sarngadhara in his Compendium talks about omens and messengers with regard to the treatment of patients.


  A. The 12 houses and the corresponding body parts:

 1st house or ascendant stands for the head and sometimes the face.
 2nd house governs right eyes, throat and speech ( important for people who stammer) 
 3rd house governs right ear, shoulder, trachea. 
 4th house governs chest,lungs, and heart. 
 5th house governs liver , gall bladder, spleen. 
 6th house governs anus and kidneys. 
 7th house governs uterus, bladder, ureters, ovaries 
 8th house governs external genatalia and sexual characteristics 
 9th house governs femoral arteries and thighs 
 10th house governs knees and sometimes the back 
 11th house governs left ear, left shoulder
 12th house governs feet and left eye.

 B. Planets and the diseases they cause:

- SUN : palpitation, weak eyesight, fevers etc 
- MOON : menstrual disorders, mental aberrations, diseases of uterus.
- MARS: wounds, high blood pressure, burns and epilepsy.
- MERCURY: excessive sweating, impotence, leucoderma, diseases governing nervous system and brain. 
- VENUS: weakness of sexual organs, venerial diseases, kidney troubles. 
- JUPITER: jaundice, vertigo,liver diseases and obesity 
- SATURN : paralysis,arthritis, cancer and other tumors. 
- RAHU : insanity,leprosy, ulcers,boils,clumsiness 
- KETU : low blood pressure, defective speech, worms


 While evaluating a horoscope medically, the following factors are kept in mind:

- The placement of the ascendant ( ie lord of the first house). 
- The house in which there is a congregation of planets. 
- In which nakshtra is the person born?
- Are there any relations between lords of houses 6,8 and 12.
- Is there any dominant element in the persons horoscope. Eg if all planets are placed in Aries and Leo, it means that the fire element is dominating. Such a person could be prone to hyperacidity, acne or headaches.
- Which dasa(ie period) is the person going through? 


 It would not be unfair to say that the horoscope is another stethoscope! 

Thursday, 4 September 2014

The Evil Eye


 ‘Kisi ki nazar lag gai hai ’ is the common refrain we get to hear from our elders or grandparents when we keep on falling ill or things don’t seem to go right. Many mothers still use the ‘kala tikka’ (black mark) to prevent their beautiful girls from falling prey to the EVIL EYE.

What is this evil eye? Is it merely our superstition or does it truly work?


 The evil eye is the name for a sickness transmitted -- usually without intention -- by someone who is envious, jealous, or covetous. It is also called the invidious eye and the envious eye. The evil eye belief is that a person -- otherwise not malefic in any way -- can harm you, your children, your home, or your family , by *looking at them* with envy and praising them. The word "evil" is unfortunate in this context because it implies that someone has "cursed" the victim, but such is not the case. The history of the evil eye is quite old and is found in a number of cultures and countries like Italy, Siberia , etc.

How does the evil eye work?

 In order to understand the anatomy of the evil eye we have to understand three very fundamental concepts :

1.The power of the Human Eye
2. Elementals.
3. The Human Aura.

A. The power of the Human Eye:

 From ancient times we have heard and read of the human eye. Most mystics and Seers have asserted that it is beyond an organ of seeing. THERE IS DEFINITELY SOME EMANATION FROM THE HUMAN EYE. This is one of the reasons which explain hypnotism. How many times have you been able to feel that some one is staring at you even when you are not looking? Quite often isnt it! Well this is working demonstration of the power of the eye. Now this gaze can be either negative or positive depending on the person and his inner self.

B. Elementals:

 The concept of elementals is very old and discussed mostly by Theosophists and Mystics. An elemental is nothing but a thought form which we create and give life to. However it does get a life of its own and is produced between the two eyes. The thought or desire which produces it can be positive ( like wanting a car or home ) or negative ( jealousy ,envy , greed ). Once an elemental is produced it is released between the eyes and goes and attaches itself to the desired object or person. Thus in one day we produce millions and millions of elementals. If they are good they will help and if they are negative they play accordingly.

C. The Human Aura:

 It has now been scientifically proved via Kirlian photography that we possess an aura that surrounds us. The colour of the aura tells us about the state of the individual and his health and state of spiritual development. This aura is very sensitive to thoughts and feelings of other people and would respond accordingly.

 Working example of the Evil eye:

When you new born baby girl is taken out wearing a nice frock and ribbon, many people exclaim ‘SO PRETTY! I wish my girl was so chubby and nice’. After some time your girl will fall sick!!
Three things are happening: the persons eye is gazing at the child very intently. The picture of the girl in the persons eye is creating a negative elemental of envy and desire. This negative elemental is immediately released. This elemental then attaches itself to the girls aura. The negative elemental punctures the girls aura and makes her sick.

However one needs to keep in mind the fact that everytime your child falls sick , it need not be evil eye! The child be be geuinely unwell or may have caught an infection.

Astrology and the evil eye:

Even though, the evil eye is not an astrological concept, the horoscope plays an important part in assessing vulnerability and propensity.

I always maintain that our birth chart is a map of our propensities and potentials. It helps pointy out if we are prone to or vulnerable to an ailment - physical or spiritual.

The following aid in assessing evil eye vulnerability:

1. Rahu:

Rahu is considered the master of the black arts and bestows magical powers. Rahu always
Plays an important role in the evil eye. People with a weak Rahu , bad moon and weak Sun can be prone to evil eye.

2. Moon:

The moon is the most impoprtant player in the game and its position and strength are vital.
A strong moon with powerful Sun or Jupiter rule out evil eye.

3. 8th house:

The 8th house of the chart stands for the hidden or occult forces.


In order to explain all the three above - a weak moon with Rahu in the 8th house of a chart would indicate trouble with evil eye.

Please remember this is simple example for explanation. All other factors have to be taken into account before passing any judgement on the evil eye.

Protection from the evil eye by amulets and talismans:

 Different cultures and religions have their own prescribed ways of dealing with the evil eye.
One of the most commonly used mechanisms are amulets and talismans.
An amulet is a device that is designed to protect the wearer from baneful and malefic influences whether human or inhuman.

 The most commonly used amulets are:

 1 the horseshoe hung at the entrance of doors
 2 the Swastika is considered a powerful protection device.
 3 Even Ganesha is considered powerful enough to drive away malefic influences.


 From the above discussion, one may still debate the evil eye and its powers . However there is no denying its existence.