There is a specialised branch of astrology that deals with the planets and the influence they have on your health.
It is called medical astrology.
Simply stated medical astrology is the use of basic astrological principles and percepts to help detect and alleviate physical and mental ailments or disorders.
It helps detect :
- The diseases one is prone to. Egs heart attack , asthma, kidney stone etc.
- The operations that one might have to undergo.
- The chronic ailments that one might have to suffer for a long time. Eg arthritis.
Though it would be difficult to directly pinpoint the true origins of medical astrology, an indirect and more powerful reference source is available to us.
Many of us would be surprised to know that Ayurveda ( the science of Longetivity ) has had strong linkages with medical astrology. Research has shown that Ayurveda is in practice from at least 5th Century AD. There are numerous writers who in their ayurveduc treatises have described the utility and importance of astrology and lucky charms , talismans etc.
To name a few:
- Caraka in his Caraksamhita has alluded to the importance of medical amulets, fasts, offerings, penances and jewel talismans.
- Susruta in his Compendium has referred to the necessity of ‘ a lucky astrological conjunction' for the proper use of Soma.
-Sarngadhara in his Compendium talks about omens and messengers with regard to the treatment of patients.
A. The 12 houses and the corresponding body parts:
1st house or ascendant stands for the head and sometimes the face.
2nd house governs right eyes, throat and speech ( important for people who stammer)
3rd house governs right ear, shoulder, trachea.
4th house governs chest,lungs, and heart.
5th house governs liver , gall bladder, spleen.
6th house governs anus and kidneys.
7th house governs uterus, bladder, ureters, ovaries
8th house governs external genatalia and sexual characteristics
9th house governs femoral arteries and thighs
10th house governs knees and sometimes the back
11th house governs left ear, left shoulder
12th house governs feet and left eye.
B. Planets and the diseases they cause:
- SUN : palpitation, weak eyesight, fevers etc
- MOON : menstrual disorders, mental aberrations, diseases of uterus.
- MARS: wounds, high blood pressure, burns and epilepsy.
- MERCURY: excessive sweating, impotence, leucoderma, diseases governing nervous system and brain.
- VENUS: weakness of sexual organs, venerial diseases, kidney troubles.
- JUPITER: jaundice, vertigo,liver diseases and obesity
- SATURN : paralysis,arthritis, cancer and other tumors.
- RAHU : insanity,leprosy, ulcers,boils,clumsiness
- KETU : low blood pressure, defective speech, worms
While evaluating a horoscope medically, the following factors are kept in mind:
- The placement of the ascendant ( ie lord of the first house).
- The house in which there is a congregation of planets.
- In which nakshtra is the person born?
- Are there any relations between lords of houses 6,8 and 12.
- Is there any dominant element in the persons horoscope. Eg if all planets are placed in Aries and Leo, it means that the fire element is dominating. Such a person could be prone to hyperacidity, acne or headaches.
- Which dasa(ie period) is the person going through?
It would not be unfair to say that the horoscope is another stethoscope!
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