Friday, 9 December 2016


Introduction :

This is the last in the trilogy of articles which  try to predict the trends for the year 2016 viz ' Predictions for 2016: Rough times ahead' posted on 20th January 2016 and ' Predictions for 2016 : Fasten your seat belts! ' posted on 15th July 2016.

The year 2016 has been unprecedented in many ways economically, financially, politically and emotionally!

We have had:

1. Brexit
2. Trump's victory in USA
3. The demonitisation saga
4. Death of a prominent politician
5. Surgical strikes in Uri.
6. Italy's referendum.

Is it over?

One would assume since we are now in December , the worst would be behind us. But that does not seem to be the case.

How is December 2016 going to be ?

My previous post ' Predictions for 2016 : Fasten your seat belts' mentioned

I am still waiting for the same and feel that December 2016 and January 2017 will manifest the sting .

Lets examine the trends in December 2016:

1. Mars enters Aquarius on 12th December 16:

Mars enters Kumbha (aquarius ) on 12th december and will meet with Ketu who has been there for the last 9 months.

2. Mars Ketu conjunction :

The second half of december will manifest the mars and ketu conjunction which will be violent and aggressive ! Mars ketu represents pent up anger and frustration which will be released in the time to come.

3. Mars Saturn exchange with Ketu conjunction:

As Mars enters Kumbha , its dispositor Saturn is in Scorpio . Hence there will be Saturn Mars exchange with ketu conjunct mars.

Chart for 16th December 2016
4.  Venus enters Kumbha on 29th December 2016 with Mercury retrograde :

Venus the planet of peace and harmony will enter Kumbha and meet with Mars and ketu from 29th december . With that there is an exchange between Guru and Retrograde Mercury from 19th December .

Chart for 29th December 2016.

All the above factors indicate that there will be fireworks from the  second half of December 2016!


There is lots in store for the coming year :
1. Saturn moves on 26th Jan 2017
2. Jupiter moves September 2017

For an in depth analysis for the coming year , wait for my next article :



Till then my friends, as one would say,  AU REVOIR!  and


Friday, 15 July 2016

Predictions for 2016 - FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS !


On January 7th , 2016 , i had posted an article called " Predictions for 2016- Rough times ahead ". This post is a continuation of the same article and tries to dissect the past and look toward the immediate future.

Phew! The first half of 2016 was extremely tumultous and scary!

A small recap of the events :

1. Global markets crashed from January 2016 to Febraury 2016in sync.
2. Oil fell from about 50 dollars to 27dollars.
3. The mass shootings in Europe and worst shooting in Dallas USA.
4. To top it off - BREXIT! The unexepected departure of Britain from the EU.
5. The pound falling to 31year low.
6. The second attack on French soil in Nice.

If the first half of the year was so bad , WILL THE SECOND HALF BE ANY BETTER??

Let us examine the patterns for the next six months:

1. Ending of the Chandala yoga ( Guru + Rahu ) on 11th August 2016:

Much of the mischief and mayhem in the year can be attributed to the Chandala yoga in the Leo rashi of the zodiac.
This yoga will end on 11th August when Jupiter leaves leo to enter Virgo.

2. Sting at the end of the tail:

It must be remembered that the last phase of any major yoga is the most critical and hence the last one month from July to August 2016 can see some major upheavals.
Also do remember -
a. Though Jupiter seperates from Rahu , it IS ACTUALLY BEING DEVOURED BY HIM!

Hence Rahu ( the demon ) would have ingested Guru ( goodness, morals and ethics ) by the end of August 2016!

b. Hence for the next 6 months violence shall devour peace and ethics and goodness would be usurped by the unscrupolous!

3. Important events in August and September 2016:

Having been ingested by Rahu , Guru will be in Virgio where it is uncomfortable. Also the following take place:
a. Saturn goes stationary on Scorpio on 13th August 2016.
b . Mercury goes retro on 30th August 2016.
c. Jupiter moves into Virgo on 11th August 2016.

What can you expect in the next 6 months?

Having looked at the astrological movements in the coming months , let us try and understand how it will impact us materially and and as a society:

1. Rahu in Leo:

Rahu is the headless demon who is known to try and engulf the Sun. Leo is the Sun's sign and known to stand for justice and Kings. Hence we can expect-

a. Increased intensity of terror attacks on developed countries with the attacks becoming more gruesome and horrid. Attackers to get more bold and more violent!
b. More coup attempts that will be crushed violently.
c. Attacks on honest judges and whistleblowers.
d. Tyranny on the rise and goodness on the decline!

2. Jupiter in Virgo:

Jupiter is the banker in the Nava Grahas and hence we can expect some sort of fundamental changes in the banking system and currencies.

As mentioned before bankruptices will become the norm and financial frauds will rise.

Since Virgo is dominantly a female sign , we can see more crimes against younger women and children!

3.Kalsarpa yoga from 3rd October 2016 :

As a society we are going to face moral degradation and helplessness. The very fabric of our existence will be torn, bit by bit!

There will be fights on very very small issues which will never get resolved.


1. The solar eclipse on 1st September 2016:

This will be one of the most important events that will set the tone for the year to come.
The Sun will be conjuct Rahu in Suns sign that is Leo.
Rahu being alone ( free from Jupiter ) will be able to display His worst and TERRIFY THE WORLD.

2. The lunar eclipse on 16th September 2016:

This will furthur solidify the pain and fear and that we will all feel in the time to come!

The entry of Guru in Virgo can create a sense of euphoria in the world stock markets . But i would be very sceptical because Jupiter has the habit of extraordinarily inflating things before killing them.


Today , the 15th of July 2016 , is Ashadi Ekadashi in India, one of the most pious days in the Hindu calendar which marks the beginning of the Chaturmas ( holy 4 months ) of fasting , meditating , penance and austerities.


May God be on their side and good knowledge ( sadbuddhi ) prevail upon all of us!!

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Suicide and Astrology


Suicide is the act of intentionally causing ones own death. Risk factors include mental illnesses like depression , bipolar personality , schizophrenia etc.

Is is quite shocking to see the alarming rise in the number of suicides. It also affects all types of people from businessmen to children to boys, girls and housewives.

But why would a PERSON END HIS OWN LIFE??

Can the stars provide an answer to this intricate yet unaswered question?

Proneness to Suicide (Risk factors) :

After years of astrological practice, I DO NOT FEEL A PERSON IS FATED TO COMMITT SUICIDE. A person, due to certain combination of his stars, maybe prone to suicide.

Death maybe Fated but suicide is not!

It can definitely be prevented with a combination of mundane and spiritual remedies.

Astrological anatomy of Suicide:

Classical jyotish does not directly talk of suicide but does talk of death quite elaborately.

Hence the following are important in examining if a person is prone to or is at risk of committing suicide:

1. The Moon:

The foundation of jyotish and the most powerful and ephemeral entity on earth is the human mind. In jyotish , the mind is represented by the Moon or Chandra.

We all have swayed to the emotions of our mind sometimes happy or sad or angry or depressed.

Hence a weak or hyper sensitive Moon is a sure risk for suicide.

2. The Water signs:

The water signs are Cancer , scorpio and Pisces and are known for their emotional sensitivity.

The strength of these signs is their ability to feel extreme passion , emotion and swings . But it is also their biggest weakness which can lead them to a dark abyss.


3. Mercury (budha):

Mercury ( budha )is representative of the human brain . It is the human faculty to think dispassionately , rationally and try to self preserve.

A weak brain or budha gives way to the idea of ending ones own life.

4. The 8th house :

The 8th house in astrology stands for death and the unknown. However with the 8th house we must also look at the 1st house and the 3rd house.

The 1st house stands for the Self. If the Self is very strong then a person would not contemplate suicide.
The 3rd house is 8th from the 8th and stands for courage and valour.

Hence a correlation  or confluence between the 1st, 8th and 3rd houses would be an indicator of suicide.

5. Rahu and ketu:

Rahu and ketu are illusory planets or shadow planets . They want you to believe in something that is not real or illusory.

Hence they are primarily responsible for desiring extreme happiness or fame or recognition or pain.

Rahu and ketu with the Moon in a chart is a strong influencer along with the other factors.

6. Uranus , neptune and pluto:

These outer planets are not recognised by classical jyotish.
But they are a higher octave of consciousness.

When associated with the Moon , uranus causes hallucinations or deep emotioinal swings . Neptune can give psychic ability but is very volatile and uncontrollable.

Possible Combinations for suicide:

1. Lord of 1st house in the 8 th and 8th house lord in the 1st house.
2. Weak debilitated Moon with cuspal mercury in the 8th house.
3. Ketu chandra in the 1st house and mercury in 8th with neptune.
4. Four or more planets in the 8th house and exchange of 1st and 3rd houses.

Mundane rememdies for proneness to suicide:

If the forthcoming transits are bad or the current dasha periods of a person are emotionally stressful,  one may undertake:

1. Do yoga and pranayama regularly.
2. Adopt a pet especially a dog as it understands your wavelength.
3. Talk to a therapist and counsellor.
4. Take up a new hobby.
5. Dont stay alone. talk to people.

Spiritual remedies for proneness to suicide :

1. Feed a cow every Monday. Helps cool the  Mind.
2. Worship Lord Shankara in any Form you like . eg visit His temple or read His 1008 names .
3. Work in an animal hospital. It helps us understand how precious human life is.


Human life is very precious. We dont realise it.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna gives Arjuna the best advice possible :" You are your greatest friend and you are your greatest enemy"

Lets be our own friends forever!

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

How to face a volatile 2016 !


There has been an  overwhelming   response to my previous post 'Predictions for 2016 - Rough times ahead ' and people are clamouring for more.

But the most frequent question asked by the readers is HOW DOES ONE FACE SUCH A VOLATILE YEAR?

There is no point telling a person you are sick and then offering no medicine!

This article will try to provide some pointers on how to deal with a tough year.

Concept of  Remedies or Upayas:

At the very outset , let us be clear as to how  remedies or upayas are to be understood in the jyotish context.

Upaya is a  systematically constructed psycho-spiritual apparatus that helps strengthen the image of the planet in our psyche.

In simple words , the remedy helps you better connect with the living energy of the deity or planet.

For eg, Rahu is represented by snakes and if you wish to connect with Rahu then you can help snakes , rescue snakes etc.

Similarly each planet has a -

1. Gemstone

2. Mantra
3. Donation
4. Fasting regimen

Hence to deal with the energies of any planet , one must work with any of its representations.

( In order to better appreciate this article please read the previous post - "Predictions for 2016)

A. Remedies for the Chandala Yoga from January to August 2016:

As explained in the previous article , a combination of Guru and Rahu causes the Chandala yoga. The primary effect of this yoga is to cause confusion and chaos.

This yoga also makes to take wrong decisions based on immoral considerations.

The Rahu shadow makes you question your own faith and underpinnings and TEMPTS you to DECEIVE!


a. Save snakes :

One of the easiest ways of reducing the effect of Rahu , is to save and protect His beloved snakes and reptiles.

As far as possible , DO NOT KILL SNAKES !

b. Donate books and teach children:

Books and teaching are Guru Maharaj's department and He is easily appeased with donations and teaching.

Strengthening Guru's image helps you PRESERVE AND STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH!

B. Remedies for retro Mars and retro Shani in Scorpio:

Retro Mars and retro Shani combination will create more trouble for people running their Sade sati and mostly Aries and Scorpio ascendants


a. Provide services at a crematorium

b. Give medicines to homes for aged people
c. Try and help handicapped people.

C. No Angarki Chaturthi for this year:

Lord Ganapati is our Vighnaharta ( Remover of Obstacles )  and hence we are enjoined that must first remember Him before we commence any activity-

Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha ,

Nirvighna KuruMe Deva ,
Sarvakaryeshu Sarvada!!

We bow to you Oh Lord Almighty and your Name shall ensure Success in every endeveaour!

Lord Ganesh is very receptive and forgiving by nature and hence easy to approach for His blessings.

Ways to propitiate Ganapati:

a. Save the Elephant:

There is no better way to please Him than by saving his dear Gaja !

b. Adopt an Elephant:

Many zoos across the country are now putting up various animals for adoption.

You can adopt an elephant . Meet him and feed him!

c. Read the Atharvah-shirsha:

One of His favourite hymns is the Atharva-Shirsha which sings the praises of Lord Ganesh and extolls His virtues.

Try and read the Atharvashirsha every Tuesday for one year and it will help !


I am sure the above remedies will help you navigate the rough waters of 2016!

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Predictions for 2016 : Rough times ahead !

Introduction :

At the beginning of every new year , we are all curious and anxious to know what the coming new year holds for us. 

Is it going to be a fruitful new year or one with trials and tribulations?

From the point of view of jyotish , 2016 presents itself with very many powerful combinations and unusual occurrences that tend to portend to an OMINOUS NEW YEAR!

Let us examine some of these formations :

1. Formation of Chandal Yoga ( Guru + Rahu ) from 9th January 2016 to 10th August 2016:

Chandal yoga is a classical combination or yoga that occurs when Guru or Jupiter and Rahu are together in one sign or nakshatra.

Chandal  refers to a filthy , mean or low person.

Jupiter or Guru stands for the principle of Morality , goodness or righteousness in society or in the world at large.

He is your teacher , mentor and guide for doing the right things in life.

Rahu or the North Node is actually not a planet but an eclipse point that stands for the principle of greed, lust and deceit in society.

He is the Prime Motivator for temptations , deceit and taking short cuts in life.
Rahu is totally devoid of any morality.

Hence when they both come together :
                -  there is a fall in the moral levels of the society and
                - goodness is eclipsed by the forces of greed and power.

This Chandal yoga is special because :

A. Guru is retrograde from 9th January to 9th May2016 which makes the yoga more ominous and powerful because it has a retrograde Guru and Rahu.
B.  This yoga takes place in Leo which is the sign owned by the Sun. It is said that Rahu swallows the Sun during an eclipse.

Hence during this period of the Chandal yoga , we can expect:

- There will be  a tremendous spike in the attacks on religious installations. 
- Very well known and advanced nations will bear the brunt of the attacks.
- Large economies and institutions will be tarnished and blown away.
- Since Guru signifies children, there can be mass killing of children
- The established stock markets will swing wildly and bankruptcy will become a norm.
- People will lose faith in GOODNESS!

2. Formation of Kal-Sarpa Yoga from 3rd October 2016 to 11th December 2016:

Kal - Sarpa yoga is formed when all the planets fall on one side of Rahu and Ketu.

It resembles a snake that has eaten all the planets and hence called Kal Sarpa.

Kal Sarpa yogas are rare and very powerful especially because they signal a shift in world order and society.

We can expect-

a. The birth of an extremely evolved spiritual soul that will bring world peace.
b. Rebalancing of powers between the weak and powerful nations.

3. Four major planets( Guru, Mars, Shani , Mercury) being retrograde at the same time from 28th April 2016 to 9th May 2016:

Every year all the planets excluding Sun and the Moon stay retrograde for varying periods of time . Hence retrogression of planets is not a new thing.

But this year all 4 planets are retrograde at the same time which is rare and very powerful . Also do note Shani and Mars will be retro in scorpio, Guru will be retro in Leo and mercury retro in Aries which are mostly enemy signs.

Expect this period to be very volatile for the commodity markets and painful for the weather patterns.

4. Retrograde Mars and retrograde Saturn in scorpio from 17th April 2016 to 18th June 2016:

Mars and saturn are sworn enemies who are very uncomfortable with each other.
Scorpio is a water sign owned by mars which stands for secrets , war and deceit.
Hence when a retro mars comes together with a retro shani in scorpio , there will be unrest and tumult!

We can expect -

a. Huge swings in the oil and commodity markets as saturn stands for oil.
b. there can be air and water skirmishes between small nations
c. there will be a spike in sexual attacks on women all over the world.

5. Not a single Angarki Chaturthi during 2016:

Technically speaking angarki chaturthi is the krishna paksha chaturthi( 4th day) in the Hindu lunar calendar falling on a tuesday.

Sankashti chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha that falls on the 4th day of the dark half of the moon cycle every month.

When this sankashti falls on a Tuesday , it is extremely auspicious and desirous for worshipping Lord Ganesha. 

Lakhs of devotees visit Ganpati temples on Angarki Chaturthi.

It is my belief that the benevolent Ganpati protects us from obstacles and troubles ( hence called vighnaharta) and thus absence of a single angarki this year means the year 2016 will test us and our faith severely!

There will be injustice and falsehood all around and we will doubt our faith !