Thursday 7 April 2016

Suicide and Astrology


Suicide is the act of intentionally causing ones own death. Risk factors include mental illnesses like depression , bipolar personality , schizophrenia etc.

Is is quite shocking to see the alarming rise in the number of suicides. It also affects all types of people from businessmen to children to boys, girls and housewives.

But why would a PERSON END HIS OWN LIFE??

Can the stars provide an answer to this intricate yet unaswered question?

Proneness to Suicide (Risk factors) :

After years of astrological practice, I DO NOT FEEL A PERSON IS FATED TO COMMITT SUICIDE. A person, due to certain combination of his stars, maybe prone to suicide.

Death maybe Fated but suicide is not!

It can definitely be prevented with a combination of mundane and spiritual remedies.

Astrological anatomy of Suicide:

Classical jyotish does not directly talk of suicide but does talk of death quite elaborately.

Hence the following are important in examining if a person is prone to or is at risk of committing suicide:

1. The Moon:

The foundation of jyotish and the most powerful and ephemeral entity on earth is the human mind. In jyotish , the mind is represented by the Moon or Chandra.

We all have swayed to the emotions of our mind sometimes happy or sad or angry or depressed.

Hence a weak or hyper sensitive Moon is a sure risk for suicide.

2. The Water signs:

The water signs are Cancer , scorpio and Pisces and are known for their emotional sensitivity.

The strength of these signs is their ability to feel extreme passion , emotion and swings . But it is also their biggest weakness which can lead them to a dark abyss.


3. Mercury (budha):

Mercury ( budha )is representative of the human brain . It is the human faculty to think dispassionately , rationally and try to self preserve.

A weak brain or budha gives way to the idea of ending ones own life.

4. The 8th house :

The 8th house in astrology stands for death and the unknown. However with the 8th house we must also look at the 1st house and the 3rd house.

The 1st house stands for the Self. If the Self is very strong then a person would not contemplate suicide.
The 3rd house is 8th from the 8th and stands for courage and valour.

Hence a correlation  or confluence between the 1st, 8th and 3rd houses would be an indicator of suicide.

5. Rahu and ketu:

Rahu and ketu are illusory planets or shadow planets . They want you to believe in something that is not real or illusory.

Hence they are primarily responsible for desiring extreme happiness or fame or recognition or pain.

Rahu and ketu with the Moon in a chart is a strong influencer along with the other factors.

6. Uranus , neptune and pluto:

These outer planets are not recognised by classical jyotish.
But they are a higher octave of consciousness.

When associated with the Moon , uranus causes hallucinations or deep emotioinal swings . Neptune can give psychic ability but is very volatile and uncontrollable.

Possible Combinations for suicide:

1. Lord of 1st house in the 8 th and 8th house lord in the 1st house.
2. Weak debilitated Moon with cuspal mercury in the 8th house.
3. Ketu chandra in the 1st house and mercury in 8th with neptune.
4. Four or more planets in the 8th house and exchange of 1st and 3rd houses.

Mundane rememdies for proneness to suicide:

If the forthcoming transits are bad or the current dasha periods of a person are emotionally stressful,  one may undertake:

1. Do yoga and pranayama regularly.
2. Adopt a pet especially a dog as it understands your wavelength.
3. Talk to a therapist and counsellor.
4. Take up a new hobby.
5. Dont stay alone. talk to people.

Spiritual remedies for proneness to suicide :

1. Feed a cow every Monday. Helps cool the  Mind.
2. Worship Lord Shankara in any Form you like . eg visit His temple or read His 1008 names .
3. Work in an animal hospital. It helps us understand how precious human life is.


Human life is very precious. We dont realise it.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna gives Arjuna the best advice possible :" You are your greatest friend and you are your greatest enemy"

Lets be our own friends forever!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog it is. Will definitely have some take-away from it. Finally love yourself. Thanks Harsh for sharing.
