Wednesday 1 February 2017

Saturn causes a fiery 2017 !


The new year 2017 has begun on a rather discordant and unpredictable note with the Trump travel ban and other events!

Will 2017 be as turbulent as 2016?

My gut feeling says Yes and the reason being SATURN !

Who is Saturn?

Saturn or Shani Maharaj is one 0f the 9 planets in classical jyotish and has a dire reputation for being a hard taskmaster. He is feared and revered for his ability to wreak havoc and misery on people.

Saturn likes the number 8 and its derivatives like 17, 26 , 35 etc. He rules Saturday and stands for the masses.

For those of you who wish to learn more about Saturn , please read my post : Shani Maharaj - The Grand Master of your destiny posted on 13/12/2015.


2017 will be ruled and dominated by Saturn for the following 3 reasons:

1. 2017 is the 17th year of 2000 and hence very close to Shani Maharaj. The last time this happened was in 2008 as 8 is very dear to Him.

What happened in 2008 :

a. The greatest financial crisis after the Great Depression.
b  Lehman brothers bankruptcy
c.  Largest US government bailout totalling 700 billion dollars.

So if 2008 , was so bad , 2017 is likely to follow the same vibrations.

2. Saturn enters Sagittarius  on Thursday ,26th January 2016: 

From Scorpio, where He  has been sitting for 2.5 years , Shani enters Sagi on 26th January 2017.

Sagittarius is a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter , the custodian of  morals and goodness in our society.

Hence Saturn in Sagi will bring about a revolution in structure of society and nations.

3. Saturn re-enters Sagittarius on Thursday 26th October 2016:

After entering Sagi in January 26, Shani Maharaj will go retrograde in April and go back to Scorpio for a brief period of time.

After this period of retrogression and forward movement , Shani Maharaj comes back into Sagi after about 4.5 months.


26th January 2017 is a thursday and 
26th october 2017 is a thursday.

This is not a FREAK COINCIDENCE but strong synchronicity pointing towards a dominant Saturnian influence!!


1. Politically:

We shall see wide ranging instability and infighting amongst politicians and parties.

Fringe groups will be on the rise to exploit the vulnerability of the masses.

We can expect political Chaos!

2. Socially:

There are going to be major transformations in the nature and structure of our societal set up.

Peoples frustrations with the ruling governments are going to spill over.

There will enormous turmoil because the have-nots will not tolerate injustice by the rich!

Shani Maharaj will cause a redistribution of wealth and power in the coming 2.5 years.

3. Justice system:

World over , justice will be delivered faster and the penalty will be commensurate with the crime.

Long pending cases will come to fruition and people will rejoice!

Saturn is the Strict judge whose verdict cannot be denied!

4. Economically:

There will be huge swings in the markets world over especially after April 2017 from when Saturn goes retrograde.

It will be prudent to keep your money in fixed income schemes and not mess with stocks !

5. Weather patterns:

We have committed too many excesses against Nature!

Now is Her Payback time. She will wreak havoc on us and we must bear it as we have been very selfish and insensitive to Nature and all ecosystems!

Shani Maharaj will restore the balance between man and Nature.


In conclusion , 2017  will be a year of major upheavals and catharsis! 

We must be ready to PAY OUR BILLS and not shy away from the effects of our collective karmas!

We must respect and bow to Shani Maharaj , who is already standing at our door ,with a Big Stick in his Hand !!

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