Wednesday 19 April 2017

Predictions for 2017 : ANOTHER BAD YEAR - PART 2


This is the 2nd part of my post ' Predictions for 2017 : Another bad year - Part 1' which was published on 16th February 2017.

As predicted in my previous posts , there is a tectonic shift happening in the world which is demonstrated by :

a. The bombing of Afghanistan with  the Mother of all bombs by USA.
b. Protectionist policies all around the world. ( US changing the H1b visa regime, Australia abolishing 457 visa programme)
c. Jaw dropping victory of BJP in Uttar Pradesh in India,
d. The heightened activism of courts all around the world.

All these events point to the fast changing landscape we live in.


For the sake of simplicity , i would like to divide the year into two portions -

1. From January 2017 to September 2017 and
2. From September 2017 to December 2017.

A. January 2017 to September 2017:

These 9 months of the year will be dominated by Saturnine influences which is have explained in great detail in my post ' Saturn causes a fiery 2017' posted on 1st February 2017.

Saturn stands for justice and for social revolutions.

In the coming months we have :

- the UK polls to be held on 8th May ( again a 8 saturn number )
- the French polls
- the challenge to US travel ban in US courts.

Also we have to remember that on 7th July 2017 , saturn whilst retrograde will re-enter Scorpio.

I feel from the month of July 2017 , there will be more violence and retribution by the common masses . There should also be increased political instability.

B. September 2017 to December 2017:

This is going to be an action packed period as:

- Guru or Jupiter changes signs on 12th September 2017
- Rahu and ketu respectively change signs on 9th September 2017.
- Shani changes signs on 12th October 2017.


1. Societal impact :

Due to heavy movement of planets in the zodiac , there are major changes taking place in our consciousness. We are changing very rapidly and do not realise it.

Guru in Libra and Rahu in Cancer , means women are in grave danger. There can be more violence against them and prejudices coming out.

There will be more vicious terror attacks and suicide attempts world over. The probablity of a mini- war in the later part of the year cannot be ruled out.

2. Political impact:

From September 2017, onwards we shall see increased turbulence all around the  world. Nothing shall remain stable or permanent.

Rahu in cancer makes people  hysterical and blind. People will demand justice either in the courts or out in the streets.

3. Financial impact:

Volatility has become a very cliched word which has been used too loosely by market participants.

I expect :

- a  deep 25 to 30 % correction in equity markets anytime  from October 2017 to
march 2018.

- the basic structure of the equity markets and money markets is changing very rapidly. Risk has become a way of life.

- the dark horse shall be gold which will turn out to be a rank out performer.

4. Spiritual impact:

The combined effect of all these changes will force people to re-examine the role of spirituality and faith in our lives .

A simple example is the growing number of people now switching to homeopathy or ayurveda or TCM as an alternative source of medicine. People are getting fed up of the side effects of allopathic medicine.

Yoga and meditation exercises shall become more and more accepted as holistic healing systems and not one stop cures.


In some senses , 2017 shall be worser than 2016 because of the heavy and undue planetary changes.

However, i feel , if you have been sick to long , you need STRONG MEDICINE!

I think 2017 is a strong purgative that will clean us emotionally and and as a society  so that we may become healthy again!

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