Friday 8 March 2019



As my previous post ( The Angry General fights the Snake)  had  mentioned , we should be prepared for bad times!

The year 2019 has begun with some  ominous tones. We have had the terror attacks in Pulwama , the escalating tension between India and Pakistan and the growing fear of war.

Elsewhere in the world we have had the America China trade war , the yellow vest protests in France etc.

Is this tension going to escalate or recede ?

The Astrological climate:

The year 2019 does not forebode well for a number of reasons. Let us look at some of them:

1. The coming together of Saturn And Ketu ( dragons tail) from 23rd March 2019 to 24th Jan 2020.

2. The coming together of Jupiter and Saturn And Ketu twice :

a. From 29th March 2019 to 23th April 2019 and
b. From 5th November 2019 to 24th Jan 2020.

3. All there major planets come together in the fiery planet sign of Sagittarius or Dhanu.

4. The retrogression of Jupiter in Scorpio from 23rd April 2019 to 11th August 2019 in Scorpio.

In-depth  explanation:

Now let us try and examine each of these events in detail and portend what they hold for us.

A. Saturn and Ketu coming together in Sagittarius from 23rd March 2019 to 24th January 2020:

Saturn or Shani basically stands for justice and the masses. It is the job of saturn to make you pay for what you have done and learn your lessons.
Ketu is considered the planet of Moksha or salvation. It also stands for organised chaos and suddenness.

Hence we can expect sudden and swift unexpected closures of long standing disputes and trials beginning where one does not expect them.


However due to the nature of Ketu , there could be violence and stiff opposition to the same!
There will be a re-drawing of social orders and society.

B. Jupiter and Saturn and Ketu coming together in Dhanu :

29th March 2019

5th November 2019

These 2 combinations will form the hallmark of 2019 as these 3 planets are heavyweights and play a huge role in forming and destroying our lives and our societies!

Jupiter is the planet of Goodness or morality and wishes to guide us towards righteousness. Ketu is a planet of brute force and Saturn causes delay and frustrations.
Sagittarius is a fiery and stubborn sign which is also related to religion and spirituality.

In the above mentioned months , we can expect:

1. Religion taking centre stage and fights and disagreements emanating from it.
2. There will be great amount of acrimony and desire to dominate
3. It is most likely that tolerance levels will fall dramatically and people will get very irritable very quickly!
4. The true meaning of Religion or God or Spirituality will be difficult to grasp.

C. The importance of the sign Sagittarius:

Dhanus is the natural 9th sign of the zodiac and is considered very powerful and stubborn. It is also a fiery sign due to which we may experience :

1. More fires and fire related accidents around the world.
2. Increased amount of accidents where peoples heads are not found or there are beheaded because  Ketu does not have a head.

D. Warning for people with Sagittarius moon sign or sun sign:

People who have a lot of planets in Dhanu or have their birth moon in Dhanu are likely face a rough time.

They are also likely to experience heightened tension , stress and high levels of conflict with their peers and loved ones!

E. Retrogression of Jupiter in Scorpio:

Retrogression of scorpio is likely to cause more revengeful  attacks as Scorpio is a sign that never forgets.

Scorpions will experience an urge to either fight with people or that people would like to come and clear scores with them!


All the above factors portend to a violent , nasty and epochal year! It will most certainly play an important role in shaping our lives and our society!

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