Wednesday 17 June 2020



The first half of 2020 has been consumed by the Corona virus and its ravaging effect on the world economy and people at large.

So what does the second half of the year 2020 look like ?

Will corona persist ? will there be  a second wave ? Will normalcy be restored soon or delayed?

Crystal ball gazing :

My feelings about the second half of the year are as follows:

1.  Corona likely to persist
2.  Other issues to dominate.
3. Extreme volatility to encompasss everything in life
4. Expect the unexpected
5. Justice shall be subverted on many levels
6. Old authority structures will fail leading to social unrest
7. DECEIT shall become  a part of our lives.

Major planetary configurations for the second half of the year:

1.Upcoming solar eclipse on 21st june 2020
2. Retrograde jupiter's entry to Sagittarius on 30th june 2020
3. Mars retrograde from September 10 to November 2020
4. Jupiter re-entry into Capricorn on November 20, 2020

A. Corona will not be so dominant :

I do expect a second wave of the corona virus but it  should not be as dominant as it was in the first half of the year.

Other issues that can dominate are:

a. War like situations around the world
b. Snap elections
c. Shortage of essential commodities

B. Extreme volatillty to encompass all spheres of life:

Human beings as a species, require  some amount of stability in daily affairs, to function properly.
However i feel 2020 will not allow anything to be stable.

It could be volatile:
. vegetable prices
. weather
. societal measures like staying home etc
. relationships

It seems to be a very innocuous statement but lack of stability can be the receipe for disaster!

C. Expect the unexpected :

This extends from the above theme of extreme volatility.

We should not be suprised the see or hear young people commiting suicide or persons expecting death to live very long.

Medicines could also have increasing unexpected negative results.

Illicit or illegal behaviour might get legalised or become an accepted part of society.

D. Old authority structures shall fail :

This forms part of the large scale transformation  of our society that shall be chaotic and tumultuous.

Our trusted structures like banks , adjudication mechanisms can falter leadings to social unrest.

Even our good old JOINT FAMILY SYSTEM shall be severely tested !!

E. DECEIT shall become part of our lives:

A wolf in sheeps clothing means a person who is deliberately lying or manipulating you into thinking that he is harmless , whereas he is actually your enemy.

I feel that we shall be surrounded by deceitful people and people pretending to be our friends.

Telling the truth shall become  a liability and liars shall be prized assets.

Being virtuous shall become a very heavy burden to bear!

Moral of the story is : TRUST NO ONE!!


The wolf is at our door and is pretending to be our friend.

Don't be fooled . The world has become a very dangerous place.

Take due precautions and  BE SAFE!

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