Friday 26 March 2021

The Corona Virus and Rahu


With regard to the corona virus, most astrological articles have focused on ‘ when will the pandemic end’  ? or ‘ when will there be a cure for the virus’?

I wish to focus on the why and what of the corona virus from the astrological viewpoint.

Philosophical underpinnings:

The reason i wish to look at the virus from the grahas( planets ) point of view is the very basic founding block of astrology or jyotish which is :

  1. The planets are a part of the Supreme Intelligence or Nature .

    2.   They have been allocated very specific roles to play in the Universe and to understand them is to understand Nature.

For eg metaphorically the moon stands for nourishment , mars for valour etc.

Hence ,if we can understand which planet the virus behaves like , we can try and infer what the the virus is trying to teach us or tell us by using the symbology of the planet.

Primary hypothesis:

It is my primary hypothesis, that the virus behaves like Rahu and that Ketu stands for the measures of prevention and the vaccine.

One is an Expansionary force and the other a Contracting force.

Rahu likes to spread fast and uncontrollably . Ketu likes to slow down and self isolate!

Rahu  and  Ketu:

Rahu and Ketu are called the chaya grahas or shadow planets because they are not actual planets but points of intersection of the Earths orbit round the sun and moons orbit round the Earth.

They both have very distinct and varied personalities that affect us and the world in which we live.


The demon king, Rahu maharaja , has the reputation of a trouble maker but also boon giver. He said  to be the most ambitious , tamasic of all planets with  a knack  for being a master manipulator!

Rahu is said to have only HIS HEAD and hence tends to remain perennially hungry and angry. 

It is also said the Rahu is KAAL or death personified and hence in  jyotish,  Rahu is an indicator of untimely death or accidents. 

RAHU’S significations:

  1. Scientific breakthroughs
  2. Space travel
  3. Viruses
  4. Unexplained outbreaks of diseases.
  5. Unknown causes of death.

RAHU’S psychological traits:

  1. Breaking the law
  2. lack of impulse control
  3. addictions
  4. gathering in large numbers like dance parties 
  5. disregard for morality or good behaviour
  6. the deceiver and multiplier

RAHU’S body part :

The mouth

Scientific analysis of the corona virus:

From the available scientific data till date we know that the virus -

  1. Spreads primarily through the mouth and nose
  2. Spreads very fast in  large gatherings
  3. is very difficult to detect 
  4. is mutating very often
  5. has different effect on different people
  6. Can kill you in cases of extreme co-morbidities

My questions:

  1. Who does the corona virus behave like?
  2. What can be learnt from the corona virus?

Question 1:  Who does the coroner virus behave like?

From the above mentioned data ,it can be reasonably inferred that the corona virus mimics Rahu to a large extent.

Rahu’s role in our life :

Rahus primary role is to make you ambitious and driven . He is the alpha male and represents the overall progress  every civilisation has made in terms science,finance,medicine,engineering and quality of life.

Rahu’s negative effects:

Rahus primary trait is that HE DOES NOT RESPECT ANYONE . ESPECIALLY NOT NATURE!! The  aggressive deforestation happening on earth is a classic Rahu drive.

He does NOT care for the consequences  of his actions and HIS MOTTO in life is JUST ENJOY AT any COST!

Rahu and the corona virus:

It is classic rahu behaviour like not wearing masks , not listening to authorities that has allowed the virus to begin its second and in some countries even third waves.

Question 2:  What can be learnt from the corona virus?

In this context of Rahu and the corona virus , we can learn the following:

  1. Progress is good but not at the cost of the environment.
  3. All actions have CONSEQUENCES GOOD OR BAD.

These are important learnings from the virus that can help us all.


In summary , Rahu is the corona virus and Rahu is the Behaviour within us that has allowed the virus to spread and become a pandemic!

We must try and curb the Rahu ( impulsive behaviour) within us to get rid of the virus!!

In the next article i shall discuss Ketu and the vaccine  for corona virus.

Till then stay safe and stay Happy!

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