Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Depression and your horoscope


A depressive disorder is not a passing blue mood but rather persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness and lack of desire to engage in formerly pleasurable activities. It is a complex mind body disorder that needs to be treated with proper therapeutic and non-therapeutic approaches.

This article proposes to discuss depression from an astrological point of view so that it can become an important therapeutic tool in the prevention and treatment of depression.

Can astrology help in depression?

The answer is an UNEQUIVOCAL YES!.

However, one must remember that the job of an astrologer is NOT TO TREAT DEPRESSION but to :

1. Help detect it early and
2. To send the patient to the right health care professional like a psychiatrist , therapist or counsellor.

It is not the job of the astrologer to cure depression but to send to send the patient to the right people to get cured!

Astrological components of depression:

Since depression is a complex mind body disease , it depends on a number of variables and factors.

From an astrological standpoint , the following are important components that determine proneness to depression:

1. The Moon:

The moon in your chart is representative of your mind. The most important ingredient in your makeup is your mind. Is it restless or calm , is it happy or sad, is it down or upbeat?
A weak moon makes a person prone to depression or mental health problems.
A weak mean is astro parlance is a moon that is in a debilitated sign, without good aspects or in a bad house without strength.

2. The Sun:

The Sun stands for your soul or atma. A strong sun makes you confident , successful and gives you immense self esteem.

A weak sun makes you seem despondent , unsuccessful and gives you very low self esteem. You tend to doubt yourself all the time. A weak sun does not allow you to take timely decisions.

A weak sun is one that is in a bad sign or conjunct with ketu or hemmed between malefic planets.

3. The Ascendant ( Lagna):

The ascendant is the most important point of your chart and stands for who you actually are. It is the 1st house of the chart.

It stands for the body of the person. A weak lagna makes a person prone to all sorts of ailments physical and mental.

Presence of pluto in watery sign with moon in the lagna makes a person prone to mental health problems.

4. Uranus , neptune and pluto:

These 3 are the outer planets which in my opinion have a huge role to play in mental health.

If strong and properly aligned , these planets can make you brilliant , psychic and even clairvoyant!

But in a bad aspect with the moon , they can make you suicidal , self regressive , addicted to drugs or even turn you into an alcoholic!

They also have a role in play in schizophrenia, bi polar disorders and manic depressive disorders.

Predicting depression:

It is extremely difficult to predict when a person would get depressed.
However  an astrologer can predict when there will be pressure on the mind of the native.

There are 2 predictive techniques:
1. Dashas
2. Transits

A. Dashas:

A dasha is a period in which the concerned planet gives you all that he has to give in the chart. Different dasha systems have different periods for all planets.

B. Transits:

Transits are the daily movements of planets that can be studied with help of an ephemeris or panchang.


A lady client of mine is running a Moon dasha for the next 5 years. Within that there will be a transit of ketu over her natal moon for the next 15 months.

I told her that she will feel more emotionally stressed and confused over the next 15 months due to the effects of ketu. She was advised to see a counsellor if she found it difficult to cope as she had also had a divorce.

She told me she met a counsellor and feels much better!

This was a simple case but certain times if the astrologer feels that there will be too much mental stress then the client must be advised  to take proper mental care and seek help.


The job of an astrologer is to help people. As the horoscope is a unique map of  ones personality , the astrologer can guide you when to be careful and take remedial steps.

The astrologer is not competent to say if you are depressed or not . Only a qualified healthcare professional can do that.

The role of an astrologer is to pre-empt mental stress and weakness and help you take remedial action with the help of mental healthcare professionals.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Predictions for 2017 : ANOTHER BAD YEAR - PART 2


This is the 2nd part of my post ' Predictions for 2017 : Another bad year - Part 1' which was published on 16th February 2017.

As predicted in my previous posts , there is a tectonic shift happening in the world which is demonstrated by :

a. The bombing of Afghanistan with  the Mother of all bombs by USA.
b. Protectionist policies all around the world. ( US changing the H1b visa regime, Australia abolishing 457 visa programme)
c. Jaw dropping victory of BJP in Uttar Pradesh in India,
d. The heightened activism of courts all around the world.

All these events point to the fast changing landscape we live in.


For the sake of simplicity , i would like to divide the year into two portions -

1. From January 2017 to September 2017 and
2. From September 2017 to December 2017.

A. January 2017 to September 2017:

These 9 months of the year will be dominated by Saturnine influences which is have explained in great detail in my post ' Saturn causes a fiery 2017' posted on 1st February 2017.

Saturn stands for justice and for social revolutions.

In the coming months we have :

- the UK polls to be held on 8th May ( again a 8 saturn number )
- the French polls
- the challenge to US travel ban in US courts.

Also we have to remember that on 7th July 2017 , saturn whilst retrograde will re-enter Scorpio.

I feel from the month of July 2017 , there will be more violence and retribution by the common masses . There should also be increased political instability.

B. September 2017 to December 2017:

This is going to be an action packed period as:

- Guru or Jupiter changes signs on 12th September 2017
- Rahu and ketu respectively change signs on 9th September 2017.
- Shani changes signs on 12th October 2017.


1. Societal impact :

Due to heavy movement of planets in the zodiac , there are major changes taking place in our consciousness. We are changing very rapidly and do not realise it.

Guru in Libra and Rahu in Cancer , means women are in grave danger. There can be more violence against them and prejudices coming out.

There will be more vicious terror attacks and suicide attempts world over. The probablity of a mini- war in the later part of the year cannot be ruled out.

2. Political impact:

From September 2017, onwards we shall see increased turbulence all around the  world. Nothing shall remain stable or permanent.

Rahu in cancer makes people  hysterical and blind. People will demand justice either in the courts or out in the streets.

3. Financial impact:

Volatility has become a very cliched word which has been used too loosely by market participants.

I expect :

- a  deep 25 to 30 % correction in equity markets anytime  from October 2017 to
march 2018.

- the basic structure of the equity markets and money markets is changing very rapidly. Risk has become a way of life.

- the dark horse shall be gold which will turn out to be a rank out performer.

4. Spiritual impact:

The combined effect of all these changes will force people to re-examine the role of spirituality and faith in our lives .

A simple example is the growing number of people now switching to homeopathy or ayurveda or TCM as an alternative source of medicine. People are getting fed up of the side effects of allopathic medicine.

Yoga and meditation exercises shall become more and more accepted as holistic healing systems and not one stop cures.


In some senses , 2017 shall be worser than 2016 because of the heavy and undue planetary changes.

However, i feel , if you have been sick to long , you need STRONG MEDICINE!

I think 2017 is a strong purgative that will clean us emotionally and and as a society  so that we may become healthy again!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Predictions for 2017 : ANOTHER BAD YEAR? PART 1


2016 was a roller coaster ride which left us all perplexed and bamboozled. From Brexit to Trumps win in the USA , the year left us all puzzled and shaken!

Will 2017 be a repeat of 2016 ?

Let us see:

Heavyweights of the Astral cabinet:

In terms of their importance and speed, 4 planets are of prime importance  in Jyotish:

1. Saturn ( shani )
2. Jupiter (Guru or brihaspati)
3. Rahu
4. Ketu

Shani maharaj changes signs every 2.5 years. Guru changes signs every 13months and Rahu Ketu change signs every 18 months.

2017 will be an EPOCH YEAR :

Based on the planetary movements , I feel that 2017 will be TURNING POINT in our history for the following reasons:

1. Shani Maharaj changes signs and enters Sagittarius on 26th January 2017.
He will go retrograde and then re-enter Sagi on 26th October 2017.

2. Gurudev changes signs and enters Libra on 12th September 2017.

3. Rahu and ketu change signs and enter Cancer and Capricorn on 9th September 2017.


4. Reformation of Kal-Sarpayoga in the zodiac from 17th September 2017 to 6th February 2018.

Chart of 17th September 2017
As you can see, all the planets are on one side of Rahu and ketu.


As explained above , 2017 will see an abnormal and synchronous movement of planets in different signs. Couple with that is the formation of Kal sarpa yoga and also the fact that 2017 is the 17th year of 2000.

Part 2 of my upcoming article will examine how each of these movements will affect us and how they will come together to create the PERFECT STORM!


Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Saturn causes a fiery 2017 !


The new year 2017 has begun on a rather discordant and unpredictable note with the Trump travel ban and other events!

Will 2017 be as turbulent as 2016?

My gut feeling says Yes and the reason being SATURN !

Who is Saturn?

Saturn or Shani Maharaj is one 0f the 9 planets in classical jyotish and has a dire reputation for being a hard taskmaster. He is feared and revered for his ability to wreak havoc and misery on people.

Saturn likes the number 8 and its derivatives like 17, 26 , 35 etc. He rules Saturday and stands for the masses.

For those of you who wish to learn more about Saturn , please read my post : Shani Maharaj - The Grand Master of your destiny posted on 13/12/2015.


2017 will be ruled and dominated by Saturn for the following 3 reasons:

1. 2017 is the 17th year of 2000 and hence very close to Shani Maharaj. The last time this happened was in 2008 as 8 is very dear to Him.

What happened in 2008 :

a. The greatest financial crisis after the Great Depression.
b  Lehman brothers bankruptcy
c.  Largest US government bailout totalling 700 billion dollars.

So if 2008 , was so bad , 2017 is likely to follow the same vibrations.

2. Saturn enters Sagittarius  on Thursday ,26th January 2016: 

From Scorpio, where He  has been sitting for 2.5 years , Shani enters Sagi on 26th January 2017.

Sagittarius is a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter , the custodian of  morals and goodness in our society.

Hence Saturn in Sagi will bring about a revolution in structure of society and nations.

3. Saturn re-enters Sagittarius on Thursday 26th October 2016:

After entering Sagi in January 26, Shani Maharaj will go retrograde in April and go back to Scorpio for a brief period of time.

After this period of retrogression and forward movement , Shani Maharaj comes back into Sagi after about 4.5 months.


26th January 2017 is a thursday and 
26th october 2017 is a thursday.

This is not a FREAK COINCIDENCE but strong synchronicity pointing towards a dominant Saturnian influence!!


1. Politically:

We shall see wide ranging instability and infighting amongst politicians and parties.

Fringe groups will be on the rise to exploit the vulnerability of the masses.

We can expect political Chaos!

2. Socially:

There are going to be major transformations in the nature and structure of our societal set up.

Peoples frustrations with the ruling governments are going to spill over.

There will enormous turmoil because the have-nots will not tolerate injustice by the rich!

Shani Maharaj will cause a redistribution of wealth and power in the coming 2.5 years.

3. Justice system:

World over , justice will be delivered faster and the penalty will be commensurate with the crime.

Long pending cases will come to fruition and people will rejoice!

Saturn is the Strict judge whose verdict cannot be denied!

4. Economically:

There will be huge swings in the markets world over especially after April 2017 from when Saturn goes retrograde.

It will be prudent to keep your money in fixed income schemes and not mess with stocks !

5. Weather patterns:

We have committed too many excesses against Nature!

Now is Her Payback time. She will wreak havoc on us and we must bear it as we have been very selfish and insensitive to Nature and all ecosystems!

Shani Maharaj will restore the balance between man and Nature.


In conclusion , 2017  will be a year of major upheavals and catharsis! 

We must be ready to PAY OUR BILLS and not shy away from the effects of our collective karmas!

We must respect and bow to Shani Maharaj , who is already standing at our door ,with a Big Stick in his Hand !!